martes, 18 de enero de 2022

Weekly Planning: 18th & 20th January 2022.

Weekly Planning: 18th & 20th January 2022.

This week we are going to learn how to speak about people's personality.

For starters, let's watch this video about the most popular adjectives of personality:

And then, we can practice with this game:

If you want, you can also practice your listening comprehension and learn more about personality with this other video:

See this vocabulary bank about personality, as well:

And now, time to read about this topic, but this time, related to how birth order influences our personality:

And we can even practice further on, with a writing activity about it (as HOMEWORK for the weekend):

We can also take this personality test online and discuss about the results, whether they adjust to your reality or not:

Last but not least, let's watch this song about personality to practice vocab with some rhythm:

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