martes, 21 de febrero de 2023

Weekly Planning: 21st & 23rd February 2023

Weekly Planning: 21st & 23rd February 2023


Febrary 2023 Exams





martes, 14 de febrero de 2023

Tips and Topics for Speaking

Tips and Topics for Speaking

Topics and vocabulary for EOI exams:


  1. Smartphone
  2. Mobile phone
  3. Tablet    /tablit/
  4. Device = gadget = aparato electrónico
  5. Be hooked on sth = be addicted to sth = estar enganchado a algo, ser adicto a algo
  6. Be keen on sth = like = gustar, estar entusiasmado con algo
  7. Social networks = social networking sites = redes sociale
  8. Ebook
  9. Piracy /pairasi/ piraería
  10. Hackers / piratas informáticos
  11. Download /daunloud/ descargar
  12. Upload /upload/ subir
  13. Wi-fi /uai-fai/
  14. Surf the Internet = navegar por internet


  1. Minor crimes = offences = delito menor
  2. Offender = infractor
  3. Pickpocket = carterista
  4. Speeding – verb = exceder el límite de velocidad
  5. Fine sb = multar a alguien. Ejemplo: I was fined = fui multado (me multaron)
  6. Rape = violación
  7. Kidnapping = rapto, secuestro
  8. Sentence – verb = sentenciar. Ejemplo: I was sentenced to 5-year imprisonment
  9. Release – verb = dejar en libertad
  10. probation = libertad condicional
  11. Hackers = piratas informáticos
  12. Internet piracy
  13. Corruption – noun /corapshon/ = corrupción
  14. Corrupted – adj = corrupto
  15. Vandalism = vandalismo
  16. Vandal = vándalo
  17. Community service = servicios a la comunidad
  18. Commit a crime = cometer un crimen
  19. Bribery /braibery/ = soborno
  20. Blackmail = chantaje
  21. Commit fraud /froood/ = cometer fraude
  22. Drug dealer = traficante de drogas
  23. Drug dealing = tráfico de drogas
  24. Charge sb with sth = acusar a alguien por algo
  25. Be accused of = ser acusado de 
  26. Domestic violence = violencia doméstica (violencia de género)
  27. Tax haven /heivn/ = paraíso fiscal


  1. Retail /ritail/ = venta al por menor
  2. Retailer = vendedor al por menor, tienda al por menor
  3. Wholesale trade = comercio al por mayor
  4. Wholesaler = vendedor al por mayor
  5. Purchase -noun and verb = compra / comprar
  6. Discount /discaunt/ = descuento
  7. Sales = rebajas
  8. Items /aitems/ = artículos
  9. Bargain  /baaagin/ = ganga, oportunidad
  10. Online shopping = compra online
  11. Window shopping = ir de escaparates
  12. Local shops = tiendas locales
  13. Shopping centre = centro comercial
  14. Back up = respaldar (local business)
  15. Globalisation = globalización
  16. Brand name = marca
  17. Flea market = mercadillo
  18. Shopping habits = hábitos de consumo
  19. Shopaholic = adicto a las compras
  20. Be on a tight-budget = ir ajustado de dinero tener un presupuesto ajustado
  21. Shop online = comprar online
  22. Shop assistant = dependiente/a
  23. Loyalty = lealtad
  24. Excessive consumerism = consumismo excesivo
  25. Responsible consumption = consumo responsable
  26. Shop around = comparar precios
  27. Best deals = ganga


  1. Work timetable = horario laboral
  2. Shifts = turnos de trabajo
  3. Take holidays = cogerse vacaciones
  4. Take a day off = cogerse un día libre
  5. Be under pressure = tener mucha presión
  6. Pay rise = subida salarial
  7. Wages = sueldo
  8. Salary = salario
  9. Offer sb a pay rise = ofrecerle a alguien una subida salarial
  10. Working conditions = condiciones laborales
  11. Be on sick leave / be on maternity leave = estar de baja por enfermedad / de maternidad
  12. Be on the dole = estar cobrando prestación por desempleo
  13. Be in charge of sth / sb = estar a cargo de algo/alguien, ser responsable de algo/alguien
  14. Be promoted = ser ascendido / get a promotion = ser ascendido


  1. Hybrid cars /haibrid/ = coches híbridos
  2. Laser eye surgery /leisa/ = cirugía ocular por laser
  3. GPS = Satnav = navegador GPS
  4. Human cloning = clonación humana
  5. Flying cars = coches voladores
  6. Video casette recorder = grabador de video
  7. Vaccines = vaccinations = vacunas
  9. Diabetes /daiabiiitis/ 
  10. Cholesterol
  11. Eating disorders = trastornos alimenticios
  12. Cancer
  13. GP = General Practitioner = médico de familia / cabecera
  14. Alternative Medicine = medicina alternativa
  15. Acupuncture = acupuntura
  16. Needles = agujas
  17. Homeopathy
  18. Osteopathy
  19. Have an operation = operarse. Ejemplo: She had an operation = la operaron
  20. Discover /discava/ = descubrir
  21. Discovery /discavery/ = descubrimiento
  22. Have sth done. Ejemplo: I have a massage done
  23. Cure = cura
  24. Mainstream medicine = medicina tradicional
  25. Placebo
  26. NHS = National Health Service = Sistema Nacional de Salud (la Seguridad Social)
  27. Ethical / unethical /ezikal/ /anezikal/ = ética
  28. Moral issues = cuestiones morales
  29. Development = desarollo
  30. Genetic modification /ginetic/ = modificación génética
  31. Viruses /vairusis/ = virus
  32. Bacteria
  33. Dilemma
  34. Genome /ginoum/ = genoma
  35. 3D printers = impresoras 3D
  36. Eradicate = erradicar, eliminar
  37. Diseases = illnesses = enfermedades
  38. Manipulation of genome
  39. Gene /giiin/ = gen
  40. Genetics /ginetics/ = genética (como ciencia)
  41. Genetically modified food = GMO
  42. Organisms
  43. Alteration
  44. Metabolism


  1. Social media /midia/ = redes sociales
  2. Keep in touch with sb = mantener el contacto con alguien
  3. Lose touch with sb = perder el contacto con alguien
  4. Share interests = compartir intereses
  5. Loneliness = soledad
  6. Unsocial vs social
  7. False sense of connection = falso sentido de conexión
  8. Share posts = compartir una publicación
  9. Read posts = leer una publicación
  10. Google – verb = buscar en Google
  11. Disconnect = desconectar
  12. Be hooked on = be addicted to = estar enganchado a algo
  13. Anxiety /ansaieti/ = ansiedad
  14. Online dating = citas online
  15. Marriage = matrimonio
  16. Divorce = divorcio
  17. Get divorced = divorciarse
  18. Get married = casarse
  19. Common-law partner = pareja de hecho
  20. Cohabit = vivir juntos (sin casar)
  21. Be aware of fake profiles = ser consciente de perfiles falsos
  22. Speed dating = citas rápidas
  23. Blind dates = citas a ciegas
  24. Swinging = intercambio de parejas
  25. Single-parent family = familia monoparental
  26. Fly the nest = volar del nido (independizarse y dejar la casa de los padres)
  27. Devote my time/ my life to sth / sb = dedicar mi tiempo/ mi vida a algo / alguien
  28. Ups and downs = altibajos (en una relación sentimental o de amistad)
  29. Love at first sight = amor a primera vista
  30. Be just good friends = ser sólo amigos
  31. Have a lot in common = tener mucho en común
  32. Get to know sth / sb= tener la oportunidad de conocer algo/ a alguien
  33. Get on well with stb = llevarse bien con alguien


  1. Kinds of learning: blend learning (online + tradicional learning al mismo tiempo) / e-learning / traditional learning / online learning
  2. Qualifications = títulos académicos
  3. Skills = destrezas, habilidades
  4. Have a way with sth/ sb = tener buena mano con algo/ alguien, darse bien
  5. Subjects = asignaturas
  6. Cognitive abilities = habilidades cognitivas
  7. Mental exercise = ejercicio mental
  8. State education vs private education = educación pública / privada
  9. Boarding school = colegio internado
  10. A school run by nuns / priests = un colegio dirigido por monjas / curas
  11. Mixed school = escuela mixta
  12. Single-sex school 
  13. Language learning = aprendizaje de idiomas
  14. Career vs degree
  15. Vocational training = formación profesional
  16. Internship = periodo de prácticas, prácticas preprofesionales
  17. Intern = becario
  18. Grant = beca de estudios. Ejemplo: Erasmus grant
  19. College vs university
  20. Discipline
  21. Behaviour = comportamiento
  22. Behave = comportarse (bien o mal)


  1. Wealthy – adj = rico
  2. Earnings = ingresos = Incomes – ingresos
  3. Expenses = gastos
  4. Overdraft = descubierto bancario
  5. Be in the red = estar en números rojos
  6. Be in the black = tener saldo a favor
  7. Fare = tarifa de billete (train, bus, etc.)
  8. Fees – tasas (university) / honorarios (lawyers…)
  9. Pay by credit card
  10. Pay in cash = pagar en metálico
  11. Current account
  12. Withdraw money = retirar dinero
  13. Bank statement = extracto bancario
  14. Pocket money – paga (para los niños)
  15. Tip – noun = propina
  16. Tip sb – dar una propina alguien
  17. Mortgage = hipoteca. Ejemplo: a 30-year mortgage
  18. Loan /loun/ = préstamo
  19. Be in debt – tener una deuda
  20. Be on a tight budget = tener un presupuesto ajustado
  21. Tighten your belt – apretarse el cinturón
  22. Live beyond your means – vivir por encima de tus posibilidades
  23. Currency – moneda (euro, pound, dollar…)


  1. Natural world
  2. The Earth
  3. Habitat
  4. Biodiversity /baiou- dai- ver- si- ti/
  5. Reforestation
  6. Fossil fuel = combustible fósil
  7. Rain forest = bosque tropical
  8. Solar energy
  9. Wind farm = parque eólico
  10. Hybrid cars /haibrid/
  11. Ozone layer /leia/ = capa de ozono
  12. Recycling = reciclaje
  13. Alternative energy
  14. Renewable energy
  15. Ultraviolet radition
  16. Earthquake = terremoto
  17. Tornado /toooneidou/
  18. Hurricane /harriken/
  19. Hail /heil/ – noun and verb = granizo y granizar
  20. Storm
  21. Tsunami
  22. Drought /draut/ = sequía
  23. Blizzard = tormenta de nieve, ventisca
  24. Carbon footprint = impacto ecológico
  25. Global warming = calentamiento global
  26. Environmetally-friendly – adj. = respetuoso con el medio ambiente
  27. Eco-friendly – adj. = ecológico
  28. Bags = bolsas
  29. Waste = desechos, residuos, desperdicios
  30. The 3 Rs: reuse, reduce, recycle
  31. Containers /konteiners/
  32. Landfill = vertedero
  33. Threat /zret/ = amenaza – noun
  34. Threatening /zretening/ = amenazador – adj.

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2023

Weekly Planning: 14th & 16th February 2023

Weekly Planning: 14th & 16th February 2023

Let's start reviewing again some prepositions:

Let's check if we got it right with this game:

And this wordwall to master them all:

And since we have our first EOI exams, here you can find some helpful tips to nail your speaking test:

1. Have some ideas ready to use (ready made sentences, introductions, structures, turn taking expressions, agreement, idioms, ...)

2. Prepare and use a certain amount of high-level vocabulary (strong adjectives, adverbs, specific or topic-related vocab, ...)

3. Improve your pronunciation (be careful not to repeat basic pronunciation errors and practice using phonetics and different sources)

4. Linking words (there are never enough!)

5. Use grammar structures in accordance to the level (passive voice, reported speech, conditionals, modal verbs, infinitives and gerunds, perfect tenses, relative clauses, comparatives and superlatives, ...)

And a video with some extra tips for your monologueÇ:

Now, time to put everything into practice!

Choose one of these topics, prepare your script for 10 minutes and be ready to talk for 2-3 minutes!


Make an introduction (Good afternoon, my name is XXX and I am going to talk about ...)

Develop the ideas in an organized way 

Use plenty of connectors (linkers)

Make an appropriate use of:
  • Strong adjectives (exhausted, amazing, awesome, ...)
  • Passive voice (It was built by ...)
  • Modal verbs (can, could, should, must, might, ...)
  • Use relative clauses for descriptions (who, that, which)
  • Comparative and superlative adjectives (the more the better)
  • Idioms ("Piece of cake")
  • Infinitives with -ing (Smoking is bad ...)
  • Phrasal verbs (get on well, bring up, carry on, ...)