jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2020

Evaluation 1st Term

Here you can find the evaluation tests for the First Term of the course:

B1 Level Test 

(Click on the blue folder to open the content)

B2 Level Test

(Click on the red folder to open the content)

Those who cannot attend our classes this week can do it at home and hand it in next week. We will also perform  the oral tasks next week.

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020

EOI Exams - Pruebas de Años Anteriores

A great source of information and a way to practice is using previous years exams.


Here you can find a collection of tests (PUC) from year 2018, which will offer you a good view on how the real exams are:

Tips to prepare the EOI Speaking Exam (Monologue)

Here are some tips on how to prepare for the EOI speaking test. They are organized as a checklist for your convenience:

1. Have some ideas ready to use (ready made sentences, introductions, structures, turn taking expressions, agreement, idioms, ...)

2. Prepare and use a certain amount of high-level vocabulary (strong adjectives, adverbs, specific or topic-related vocab, ...)

3. Improve your pronunciation (be careful not to repeat basic pronunciation errors and practice using phonetics and different sources)

4. Linking words (there are never enough!)

5. Use grammar structures in accordance to the level (passive voice, reported speech, conditionals, modal verbs, infinitives and gerunds, perfect tenses, relative clauses, comparatives and superlatives, ...)

And finally a video explaining in more detail this checklist:

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020

Weekly Planning: 1st December & 3rd December 2020

This week we have learn some new idioms about "Happiness and Sadness"

And we have continued through the student's book. Today, pages 13 and 14:

And here you can find the transcript for the listening practice:

And as homework for the weekend, you have to write an informal e-mail, replying to this one that you have just received:

You can use this sample reply as a model for your own:

Remember that there will be no classes next Tuesday, so see you on Thursday!