martes, 22 de septiembre de 2020

Prueba de Evaluación Inicial B1 & B2

In the following folder you can find the Initial Assessment Test for the B1 level:

And here the Initial Assessment Test for the B2 level:

Books & Resources for the Course

Here you can find some of the books and resources for the course.


Cambridge Grammar In Use


Oxford New English File Intermediate B1 (4th Edition)

Pocket Book for Spanish Students


Pioneer Level B2

jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2020

In order to keep our schools as safe as possible and to avoid infection from Corona Virus, we must bear in mind all the safety, hygiene and prevention measures in regulation.

Here you are the most basic measures to avoid COVID-19. They are an infographic and a video, both in English, so you can practice your vocab as well:

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2020

New Course 2020 / 2021

 Welcome to this new course 2020/2021!

This course we are still under the COVID pandemic, so we will have to stand the different hygiene and prevention measures to avoid the infection.

Nevertheless, we can always carry on learning English and of course, having fun with it!

Let's go!