jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2020

Evaluation 1st Term

Here you can find the evaluation tests for the First Term of the course:

B1 Level Test 

(Click on the blue folder to open the content)

B2 Level Test

(Click on the red folder to open the content)

Those who cannot attend our classes this week can do it at home and hand it in next week. We will also perform  the oral tasks next week.

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020

EOI Exams - Pruebas de Años Anteriores

A great source of information and a way to practice is using previous years exams.


Here you can find a collection of tests (PUC) from year 2018, which will offer you a good view on how the real exams are:

Tips to prepare the EOI Speaking Exam (Monologue)

Here are some tips on how to prepare for the EOI speaking test. They are organized as a checklist for your convenience:

1. Have some ideas ready to use (ready made sentences, introductions, structures, turn taking expressions, agreement, idioms, ...)

2. Prepare and use a certain amount of high-level vocabulary (strong adjectives, adverbs, specific or topic-related vocab, ...)

3. Improve your pronunciation (be careful not to repeat basic pronunciation errors and practice using phonetics and different sources)

4. Linking words (there are never enough!)

5. Use grammar structures in accordance to the level (passive voice, reported speech, conditionals, modal verbs, infinitives and gerunds, perfect tenses, relative clauses, comparatives and superlatives, ...)

And finally a video explaining in more detail this checklist:

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020

Weekly Planning: 1st December & 3rd December 2020

This week we have learn some new idioms about "Happiness and Sadness"

And we have continued through the student's book. Today, pages 13 and 14:

And here you can find the transcript for the listening practice:

And as homework for the weekend, you have to write an informal e-mail, replying to this one that you have just received:

You can use this sample reply as a model for your own:

Remember that there will be no classes next Tuesday, so see you on Thursday!

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2020

Weekly Planning: 19th to 26th November 2020

 Weekly Planning: 19th to 26th November 2020

Today we have started learning a bit more about the weather and how to use certain expressions related to it:

We have also refreshed and practiced our vocabulary about the family. You can have a look at this video:

We also learnt some idioms about health:

On the book, we covered the contents of pages 10-13.

Regarding grammar, we reviewed the use of comparative and superlative adjectives, and the use of articles (a, an, the, no article)

And finally a piece of news to work on:

Finally, your homework for next week is to write about your plans when all this COVID crisis is finished (around 90 words)

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2020

Weekly Planning: 12th November 2020

Weekly Planning: 12th November 2020

Today we have corrected our homework about the future and talked about our plans (for tonight, for tomorrow, for the weekend, for next summer, ...) using the differente forms of future we have learnt (present simple, present continuous, going to, will, ...)


Present Perfect and its use with for / since

Here you can find a video explaining the use of the Present Perfect in conjunction with since/for:

And a very helpful summary:


We have started to train with mediation activities, since it is a new skill to be evaluated in our EOI exams.

Here you have a video explaining the importance of mediation:

And here you can find another video about mediation. This time it is a hands-on  example, including the production and correction:

So, now that you are a bit more familiar with mediation, you can try to do this mediation exercise:

And to conclude our lesson, a song to improve our listening skills and our vocabulary:

Song: 500 Miles by The Proclaimers

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2020

Weekly Planning: 10th November, 2020

Weekly Planning: 10th November, 2020

How to express the future in English

(Present Simple, present continuous, to be going to, will/shall)

You can find more about it in this video. I recommend you to watch it! It is really good!

Here you can find a brief summary on how to express the future in English:

We have been working on this worksheet as well (click on the image to download it):

You can read and correct the exercise (page 143) and also write a similar paragraph about yourself (use the one provided as a model)

On page 145 you have to do at home the exercise about future forms.

And finally, also as homework, answer the following questions about your plans:

"What are your plans for ...?"

- Tonight
- Tomorrow
- The weekend
- Next summer

Use the "present continuous" or "to be going to" to answer.

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2020

Prueba de Evaluación Inicial B1 & B2

In the following folder you can find the Initial Assessment Test for the B1 level:

And here the Initial Assessment Test for the B2 level:

Books & Resources for the Course

Here you can find some of the books and resources for the course.


Cambridge Grammar In Use


Oxford New English File Intermediate B1 (4th Edition)

Pocket Book for Spanish Students


Pioneer Level B2

jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2020

In order to keep our schools as safe as possible and to avoid infection from Corona Virus, we must bear in mind all the safety, hygiene and prevention measures in regulation.

Here you are the most basic measures to avoid COVID-19. They are an infographic and a video, both in English, so you can practice your vocab as well:

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2020

New Course 2020 / 2021

 Welcome to this new course 2020/2021!

This course we are still under the COVID pandemic, so we will have to stand the different hygiene and prevention measures to avoid the infection.

Nevertheless, we can always carry on learning English and of course, having fun with it!

Let's go!

jueves, 16 de julio de 2020

Guía para el Alumnado EOI - Pruebas de Septiembre 2020

Recientemente se ha publicado una guía para el alumnado de la EOI con todos los detalles de las pruebas a realizar en Septiembre de 2020.

Se trata de un documento muy interesante y de recomendable lectura si nos vamos a presentar a las pruebas oficiales de certificación para la obtención de la titulación oficial de la EOI, en los niveles B1, B2 y C1.

martes, 16 de junio de 2020

Tips for EOI Exams

Here are some tips on how to prepare for the EOI speaking test. They are organized as a checklist for your convenience:

1. Have some ideas ready to use (ready made sentences, introductions, structures, turn taking expressions, agreement, idioms, ...)

2. Prepare and use a certain amount of high-level vocabulary (strong adjectives, adverbs, specific or topic-related vocab, ...)

3. Improve your pronunciation (be careful not to repeat basic pronunciation errors and practice using phonetics and different sources)

4. Linking words (there are never enough!)

5. Use grammar structures in accordance to the level (passive voice, reported speech, conditionals, modal verbs, infinitives and gerunds, perfect tenses, relative clauses, comparatives and superlatives, ...)

And finally a video explaining in more detail this checklist:

viernes, 5 de junio de 2020

Paddlet: Word Environment Day

Para celebrar el Día del Medio Ambiente y concienciarnos de la importancia de preservarlo, así como de la enorme problemática que afecta a nuestro ecosistema global, hemos creado un muro en Padlet donde nuestro alumnado de idiomas ha seleccionado fotos relacionadas con la temática y las ha comentado.

Hecho con Padlet

martes, 2 de junio de 2020

Weekly Planning: from 1st June to 5th June 2020

Weekly planning with our contents, activities and task to be performed during our online lessons:

Some piece of news to practice reading comprehension and acquire some new vocabulary and structures, it is about the end of the printed book:

And here you can listen to this piece of news:

And to have something to speak about and practice our oral expression and interaction skills, here you are some quite interesting videos:

- How to improve your speaking in public

- An antidote to dissatisfaction:

- An a great song to finish, Stereophonics 'Maybe tomorrow':

martes, 26 de mayo de 2020

Weekly Planning: from 25th to 29th May 2020

Here you can find our planning for the week, with the contents, activities and tasks we will cover in our online sessions:


Preparation for a monologue "Online learning vs Traditional learning"


Use of articles


A book/film review


Watch and discuss this video about plastic pollution

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020

Segura de la Sierra Virtual Tour

Visita guiada virtual a Segura de la Sierra.

Como culminación alternativa a nuestro proyecto de Vivir y Sentir El Patrimonio "Sierra de Segura: todo un Patrimonio por Descubrir", y debido a las limitaciones impuestas por la crisis del COVID-19, nuestro alumnado de idiomas (Inglés, niveles B1, B2 y C1), han realizado esta visita guiada virtual a la localidad de Segura de la Sierra.

Originariamente iba a ser una actividad de visita in situ, donde nuestros alumnos/as iban a ejercer de guías explicando en inglés los lugares más destacados de esta histórica villa, pero obviamente, debido a las limitaciones de movilidad y reunión de personas, no ha sido posible.

Aún así esperamos que esta visita virtual sea de vuestro agrado y que os anime a visitar Segura, catalogado como uno de los pueblos más bonitos de España.

¡Bienvenid@s a este viaje a través de la cultura, la historia y la tradición!

martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

Weekly Planning: from 18th to 22nd May 2020

Here you can find our planning for the week, with the contents, activities and tasks we will cover in our online sessions:


- A letter of complaint

Reading, Listening & Speaking:


viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020

Rúbricas de Evaluación Idiomas EOI Andalucía

Aquí os dejo el documento (BOJA Núm. 41 de 2020) que contiene las rúbricas de evaluación de las distintas destrezas y niveles de idiomas, desde B1 a C1.

A través de ellas podréis comprobar el grado de consecución requerido para superar cada una de ellas y su correspondiente calificación.

Podéis descargar el documento pinchando en la imagen:

martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

Weekly Planning: 11th to 15th May 2020

Here you can find our planning for the week, with the contents, activities and tasks we will cover in our online sessions:

Video for mediation "The housing crisis"

Listening activity: 

"Living in a tiny space"

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

Weekly Planning: 4th to 8th May 2020

Here you can find our planning for the week, with the contents, activities and tasks we will cover in our online sessions:

B2 Tasks:

Speaking (a monologue from the B2 Google Drive folder)

Writing about a given topic (set of topics here)

C1 Tasks:

Listening task (from Google Clasroom)

Writing an article (250-300 words)

Listening & Speaking:

BBC 6 Minutes English 'Tips for parents with kids at home'