martes, 22 de febrero de 2022

Weekly Planning: 22nd & 24th February 2022

Weekly Planning: 22nd & 24th February 2022

As a warm-up, let's start with a game about stereotypes:


Now, time to read about stereotypes and discuss about them:

Time for listening! Find out more about the Pink&Blue Project:

Continuing with the topic of sterotypes, here you can find a video about it: English stereotypes. Can you guess what the most popular stereotypes about English people are?

Another interesting grammar point is that of prepositions. Have a look at these: dependant prepositions.

Let's check if you got it right with this game:

And we can finish with a fun game called Family Feud. In it you can test your vocabulary and be fast to answer!

And you can even download the app in your smartphone to play and learn vocab:

And to conclude our lesson, a nice song:

The Proclaimers - I'm gonna be (500 miles)

And a worksheet to work with it:

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2022

Weekly Planning: 15th & 17th February

Weekly Planning: 15th & 17th February 

To start with, a game about Conditionals:

And another one to get us speaking:

And to relax after our evaluation time, we are going to watch several short movies and discuss about them:




And to finish our lesson, a song:

And some handy notes for home: use of much, little, few, many, ...

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2022

Mid-Term Evaluation (February)

Here you can find the materials for the EOI Mid-Term Evaluation (February 2022)





martes, 1 de febrero de 2022

Weekly Planning: 1st & 3rd February 2022.

Weekly Planning: 1st & 3rd February 2022.

To commence, a game to practice some speaking:

This week we are going to focus on those skills that require more practice: listening, speaking and a bit of mediation.




And we can further practice our listening with this activity (you can also do the reading and speaking parts, to practice):


Now try to practice your mediation skills with this activity:

And finally time to speak! Try to prepare this monologues:

And to nail our dialogues, here you can find a useful video with some great tips:

(although it is meant for C1, it is also valid for B2)

Here you are some dialogue examples:

And finally, a checklist for your speaking exam:

1. Have some ideas ready to use (ready made sentences, introductions, structures, turn taking expressions, agreement, idioms, ...)

2. Prepare and use a certain amount of high-level vocabulary (strong adjectives, adverbs, specific or topic-related vocab, ...)

3. Improve your pronunciation (be careful not to repeat basic pronunciation errors and practice using phonetics and different sources)

4. Linking words (there are never enough!)

5. Use grammar structures in accordance to the level:

Passive voice (it was designed by ...)

Reported speech (some experts say that ...)

Conditionals (If I were you I would do ...)

Modal verbs (should, could, might, must, ...)

Infinitive and gerunds (Generally speaking ...)

Perfect tenses (I have been working on, it will have finished by then, ...)

Relative clauses (A XXX is a device that ...)
Comparative and superlatives (The more you study the more chances you have to pass)

Idioms (To be on cloud nine, raining cats and dogs, hold the baby, ...)

Strong adjectives (exhausted, furious, great, wonderful, awesome, amazing, ...)

Click on the image for a summary of useful expressions

For homework, try this writing:

And to finish, a motivational song: